Yep. The title says it all. My precious little lovable, huggable, sweet baby boy dropped his first F-bomb today. I knew it was coming. Charles had his turn - like just after his first birthday party and he dropped a whole plate of olives on the floor - he let loose an appropriately timed - "Oh f#&!". But even though we tried hard not to laugh and we never really did stop using profanity around him, he very quickly learned it was not ok to talk like Mommy. Nick however - he's a very passionate little fellow shall we say. Complete mind of his own. So yesterday, when I tried to talk him into eating his pineapple, begging a few times for him to please come back to the table to get another bite - he stormed away in a little curly headed rage, stomping his feet high in the air like a Paris Hilton catwalk and said clear as a bell, "No Mom. I no wanit dat pineapple. Fut You."
Yes - it was funny. I was stunned really for a moment. I just sat there - amazed at what I'd heard. 'Not my Nick' I thought. I may have even ignored the whole episode and plunged into denial if Charles hadn't heard the whole thing. Good old Charles. Never misses a thing. When Ron came home he couldn't wait to create various scenarios that were likely to piss Nick off enough to generate th

e same response - just so Daddy could hear it too. And hear it he did. After one or two rounds of - "Come on Nick, it's time for bed" the F-bombs flew agai
n. And now with several of us laughing and holding our hands over our mouths, now it became an event. So within a few minutes, naked Nick (he's always naked pretty much) ran through the house from one end to the other screaming "No Dad. I no go do seep. Fut you, fut you, fut you."
So now, needless to say (despite the fact that Ann and Tony are now laughing themselves into a stupor) Mommy and Daddy finally have to curb their potty mouths. And fortunately for us (or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) Charles will do a great job as watchdog. "Mom - you said you weren't going to curse anymore." "Mom, do you want Nick to say the F-bomb again?" "Mom, should I call the Supernanny on you?"
Should make for an interesting flippin' summer. Good thing he can't read yet!
1 comment:
Omg - That is too funny! Can't stop laughing!
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